How ‘It Works! ’ dominated Facebook and drove more than $1 billion in sales, it works bonuses real?.

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How ‘It Works! ’ dominated Facebook and drove more than $1 billion in sales, it works bonuses real?.

How ‘It Works! ’ dominated Facebook and drove more than $1 billion in sales, it works bonuses real?.

How ‘It Works! ’ dominated Facebook and drove more than $1 billion in sales, it works bonuses real?.

Involvement. Kyler’s mom, cindy pentecost, takes the lead on many of these projects. As soft-spoken as her husband is gregarious, she claims to be on a divine mission to keep the it works! Extended family together.

How ‘it works!’ dominated facebook and drove more than $1 billion in sales

I've started seeing promotional weight-loss posts from people I know on facebook and instagram.

Sandwiched between party photos and wedding announcements, the posts show stomachs, legs, and arms before and after application of "this crazy wrap" that can "tighten, tone, and firm" with "minimized appearance of cellulite" and "fast and lasting results" in "as little as 45 minutes."

They similarly endorse "fat fighter" pills, eye cream, menopausal supplements, "greens" powder that can "detoxify, energize, and alkalize," and "defining gel" that does wonders.

These people, mostly women, also tell me they're making thousands of dollars selling this stuff.

As if that weren't enough, they're inviting me to join.

Many of these women are selling products for a company called it works!

If you think their product or the business opportunity sound too good to be true, then you're not alone. What you might be surprised to learn is just how many people are involved and how much money the company is making.

It works! Is a multi-level-marketing company that claims a staggering $538 million in revenue last year and $1.2 billion in three years, with more than a million recurring customers. The cosmetics upstart is powered by a global network of 100,000 distributors who do most of their sales through social media — a 21st-century version of the direct-sales business model popularized by avon.

The company has done all of this despite its main product, “that crazy wrap thing,” having no clinically proven long-term benefits.

What makes it works! So successful? Tech insider flew me down to the company’s florida headquarters to peek behind the curtain.

‘A customer-generating machine’

The it works! Headquarters in palmetto, florida, are as sleek as anything you’ll find in silicon valley. It's a 50,000-square-foot office with a big stone it works! Sign out front, it works!-branded vehicles, an it works! Fountain, a rooftop bar with a putting green, and a giant metal slide from the second floor to the first.

It also has a relentlessly uplifting vibe. The word “FREEDOM” is written in giant green letters on one wall, and those letters are covered in stickers on which distributors have written personal goals like “retire husband,” “pay off house,” “kids in private school,” and “NEW CAR.”

Each day at 3:05 p.M., all of the it works! Corporate employees stop what they’re doing to give each other high fives.

Inside his corner office overlooking the manatee river, the man who built it all, CEO mark pentecost, told me about the wonders of multi-level marketing.

“I think it’s the greatest industry there is because the american dream is back alive,” he said. “I was a teacher and a coach and now I’m the CEO of a multimillion dollar company.”

When the entrepreneur came across a body wrap that created the appearance of rapid slimming, he knew he had his product.

“I watched my wife try it. She was ecstatic with the results, and I watched her call her girlfriend right away to tell her what had happened,” pentecost says on the it works! Website. “her girlfriend said that she wanted to try it, and they hung up. It wasn't 30 seconds later, her girlfriend called back and said, ‘my daughter was listening, and she wants one for her chin. Is there something for the chin?' that was when I knew that we had a perfect product for direct selling, a product that people would be excited to share with their friends and family."

Pentecost had a flash of inspiration in naming his company.

“you literally would show someone the product or tell them, and you could wait three seconds, and they’d go, ‘if this works . Does it work?’” pentecost told me. “almost always, there’d be something with ‘it works. We said, ‘we’ve gotta call the company it works!.’ some people are like, ‘you can’t name the company that.’ there’s a lot of genius with that."

It works! Was founded in 2001 and turned profitable in three years. Things really started picking up in the past five years, however, thanks to the rise of social media.

“direct sales is people-to-people talking,” pentecost said. “in the old days, when I first started in the industry, you could go to a mall, hang out, meet people, start a conversation. Today’s gathering place isn’t the mall. It’s facebook.”

It works! Now sells dozens of skincare and nutritional supplements, but the ultimate body applicator, aka "that crazy wrap," is what gets people through the door.

Company revenue soared from $27 million in 2010 to $538 million in 2014, according to numbers provided by it works!.

“we’re a customer-generating machine,” pentecost said.

Nearly all of those sales go through that network of 100,000 distributors — an army of stay-at-home moms, hairdressers, and teachers who serve as a PR team, marketing department, and sales force rolled into one.

It’s getting those distributors on board that is it works!'s greatest achievement.

'A job that’s all about fun'

It works! Distributors are told that by following the company's "steps to success" they can have a fun and flexible job, get out of debt, and even get rich.

One it works! Video features a cartoon woman named jan explaining what it means to be a “wrapreneur extraordinaire.”

“it means days filled with friendship, a job that’s all about fun, and a life of freedom,” jan says. "but it wasn't always this was. Not long ago, I was a stressed out working mom with a boring job, just trying to make ends meet, when I saw this amazing picture on facebook."

"I thought no way, those results are unbelievable. So I had to try it. I went to a wrap party, and in just 45 minutes I experienced those unbelievable results for myself," she says.

"before I knew it I was earning free wraps and cash and having a blast doing it. Best of all, the checks kept getting bigger and bigger every month. I was able to pay off my credit cards and student loans with this crazy wrap thing. Now I've quit my job. I'm able to spend more time with my kids, and my family is living debt free. I've got the life I've always dreamed of, and you can have it too!"

Is it really that simple? Well, to start, the cartoon glosses over the labyrinthine rules that a distributor will learn when signing up for it works!.

It takes a $99 investment in a “starter kit” to join the company. Then, a distributor has to spend a minimum of $80 monthly on products for herself or resale, with extra costs for things like hosting wrap parties or running a website. She earns commissions based on how many “loyal customers” and other distributors she can enroll in it works!.

The most successful salespeople can rise from the lowest rank — “distributor,” where the average earning was $752 in 2013 — to the highest rank — ”diamond ambassador,” where the average earning was more than half a million dollars. If you look at this chart from it works! That rise looks easy:

But the truth is that the vast majority of salespeople earn nowhere near enough to live on.

Indeed, the average salesperson earned only $937 in 2013 — and that's before subtracting the costs of joining and staying in the company, which can be around $1,000 yearly, much of which goes to buying it works! Product.

In fact, it seems that many distributors are spending more to be a part of the program than they are earning.

In short, getting rich as an it works! Distributor is not easy.

Now while this may seem controversial, that's how things work with lots of multi-level marketing companies, and it works! Has not faced any major public legal issues.

Meanwhile, some distributors really are living the dream — and inspiring everyone to try to do the same.

‘how do you separate your faith?’

The most successful distributors are the ones who completely buy into the it works! Lifestyle and never stop selling.

Sinclair had been skeptical about it works! At first. She found out about the company when someone she’d known from junior high messaged her and told her about this crazy wrap. Sinclair deleted the message. The boutique owner and mother of two “was not interested at all” in adding anything to her schedule.

“but something kind of kept drawing me back to the product and wondering if it worked,” she said. “so I called her two weeks later, jumped in, and never looked back.”

She was used to working retail with a $10,000 montly overhead, she said. The monthly buy-in for it works! Is about $100.

“I looked over at my husband and said, ‘I am going to make us a million dollars. Like, this is it,’” she said. “and he just said, ‘that’s awesome, will you make me lunch?’” she laughed.

Now, she and her husband have both quit their previous jobs and they tend to her it works! Downline full time.

I asked if she ever tries to separate the rest of her life from her it works! Involvement.

“I had a very hard time at the beginning sort of wanting to separate,” she said. “I tried to at first. I really did try to at first … I created two separate [facebook] profiles, and I immediately had to delete that and just say, you know what? This is me. It works! Is a part of who I am. Just like I wouldn’t separate posting about being a wife, posting about being a mom, posting about how much I love guacamole at chipotle, you know, these are all things that I love. My relationship with god, it works! — it’s all integral. It’s a part of me. You can’t separate it, I don’t think. I don’t think it’s smart to separate it.”

Pentecost’s son kyler is another of the company’s top salespeople. He was working in a law office in washington, D.C., a few years ago and wanted nothing to do with the family business, he said.

He ended up getting involved when his sister, kami dempsey, persuaded him to show some it works! Materials to the women in his office. They went nuts for the before-and-after photos and begged him to let them try out the wraps, he said. Soon after, kyler attended an it works! Distributor event and was moved to tears by the level of devotion and joy he saw.

“it’s something that really touches you,” kyler said. “and I remember going to my first event and being like, ‘I will never see this in a law firm.’”

Kyler soon quit his job and ditched his law school plans. Now he makes his own hours, traveling to see clients and other distributors and always wearing an it works! T-shirt in hopes that someone will stop him on the street and turn into a customer. He’s also got a huge “downline” of distributors working under him — 7,000 or 8,000, he said, who help beef up his commission checks.

Kyler is never really off the clock. Whenever he meets someone new, he has them facebook friend him on the spot so they’ll see his it works! Promotions.

Kyler explains that instagram hashtags are the best way to reel in new customers online.

Personally, I’ve come across it works! Materials when checking hashtag associated with everything from kim kardashian photo shoots to medical treatments.

Last mother’s day, the company sent out green capes emblazoned with “#supermom” to distributors who have kids. Those distributors then took photos of themselves with their kids, hashtagged the photos #supermom, and appended gushy captions about how much they love it works!. That way, every other person in the universe who’d hashtagged a photo #supermom on mother’s day was guaranteed to see promos for it works! If they clicked the hashtag.

I asked if it works! Had also cracked pinterest, the most female-dominated of all online social networks. Kyler told me he doesn’t personally use it, but he does know of another male distributor who has crafted his own pinterest profile full of womenswear inspiration and will occasionally drop in strategic it works! Promos.

“he’s a high-fashion woman on pinterest,” kyler said. “that’s his persona . And he has all of these followers and then occasionally he’s like, ‘oh my goodness, when I’m looking to tone up, this is what I use.’ and then he gets customers. But it’s not him. It’s like, another persona. It’s like catfishing.”

Kyler prefers to keep things real on his social profiles. He said he tries to make sure his facebook page doesn’t look like “a pharmacy ad or GNC,” the supplement chain store. He doesn’t want people to feel like he’s selling to them — he wants it all to seem like just another part of his life.

I ask him if he has a rule of thumb to keep from inundating his friends and family with it works! Information.

“I would say that it works! Is a very large part of my life,” he said. “it would be like saying, ‘how do you separate your faith?’ I know that sounds weird, but it’s just part of what I do. It’s part of what I believe helps people.”

It works! Does what it can to cultivate this obsession in all of its distributors.

The company brings top earners to headquarters for training bonanzas, complete with guest speakers and fun events. This summer, 7,000 distributors from all over the world headed to palmetto, fla., for a “green carpet” event. Here's video of a recent "green carpet."

Kyler’s mom, cindy pentecost, takes the lead on many of these projects. As soft-spoken as her husband is gregarious, she claims to be on a divine mission to keep the it works! Extended family together.

“we believe god has drawn them to this company,” she says of the company’s distributors and customers. “we prayed them in. And now we want to be good stewards of their lives and their families.”

So does it work?

While people at it works! Went on and on about their devotion to the company, no one gave me a convincing explanation of the science behind the body wrap that the entire business hinges on.

When I asked mark pentecost what the wrap actually does, he was vague: “it’s herbal,” he said. “four or five things are going on. It’s a detox using herbal, all-natural … detoxing the area and feeding the area. There’s about five or six all-natural things happening there to tighten, tone, and firm.”

It works! Global's product coach krista rapa demonstrated a wrap on one of the company’s office employees. She showed me that you're supposed to stick the wrap, which is covered in lotion on one side, to the body part you want to tone, tighten, and/or firm. After you stick it to your body, you use either plastic wrap, tight clothing, or an it works!-branded “fab wrap” to keep the wrap in place.

“the lotion that is on the applicator is just going to be absorbed into her skin and it’s just gonna help her to tighten, tone, and firm up," she said.

When I asked what the active ingredients were, rapa couldn’t tell me.

“there’s a lot of different things,” she said. “I should’ve brought a list.”

Then someone handed her the wrap box, and she read the back.

“you’ll see all the ingredients,” she said. “the active ingredients are all of the herbs and botanicals that are in here. They all just work together.”

People using the wraps are instructed to drink a lot of water for optimum results. Why?

“basically, we say it helps to … everyone needs water,” rapa said. “so it just helps with keeping you hydrated and making the applicator work better.”

“the minute you start drinking water, it intensifies,” kyler chimed in. “you can feel it more. You can tell the water is, I don’t know, activating. People show up skeptical. We embrace it. You’d have to be silly not to be skeptical.”

It works! Claims to have a doctor who explains how products like these work at training sessions, but he was unavailable when I visited florida.

Over the next several weeks, I asked multiple times to speak with the it works! Doctor and was told he was still unavailable. Finally, PR head kate martin carlson told me this: “due to the fact that the it works! Wrap is a cosmetic, the FDA limits the claims that can be made about cosmetic products.”

To get another perspective on how the wrap works, I spoke to an unaffiliated medical professional. Dr. Bill sukala, a sydney-based clinical exercise physiologist, attributed the supposed slimming shown in it works! Promos to something simple: sweating.

“I am unaware of any product in existence that you can apply topically that will melt away fat and cause weight loss,” he said. “if you wrap yourself in plastic, with or without the herbal lotion, you will probably sweat a bit more than usual and lose water weight on the scale. But this is a short-lived effect and the water will be replaced with the next meal or drink.”

“[body wraps] won’t give you long-term weight loss,” a washington, DC-based doctor named elizabeth tanzi told webmd. “they can temporarily make you feel a little thinner, and when you look at the scale the pounds can go down a pound or two. But that’s water weight loss. It’s a temporary phenomenon.”

We also tested a pack of wraps at the tech insider office and had mixed results.

When I sent carlson our before-and-after photos, however, she responded with more qualifications. The best results are actually visible 24 hours later, she said. Plus, a full wrap treatment consists of using each of the four wraps in the kit on the same body part, three days apart. Also, you’re supposed to watch what you eat before and after wrapping — never mind that drinking more water and watching what you eat for 12 days straight could result in weight loss with or without a pack of wraps.

Of course, the company is careful in how it markets the product, avoiding verifiable claims like “weight loss.”

“the terms ‘firm, tone, and tighten’ are overused and ambiguous marketing terms that mean different things to different people,” sukala said. “how do they quantify ‘firm, tone, and tighten’ for consumers so they actually know the product is working?”

An island in the sun

Since I left palmetto, the pentecosts added to their real estate holdings. They bought an island.

Yes, mark and cindy are now the proud owners of little bokeelia island, a land mass off the coast of florida for which they coughed up $14.5 million.

"I like to make money like warren buffett, but I like to relax like jimmy buffet," pentecost told the bradenton herald.

It works! Distributors caught wind of the purchase and now, they're celebrating pentecost's victory like it's their own:

It reminded me of mark pentecost’s statement that direct-sales marketing is “the american dream back alive.”

It sounded like a bit of an overstatement at first, but now I get it. The american dream’s not about everyone having a piece of the pie. It’s about everyone believing they can get it if they work hard enough. And if there’s one thing it works! Is good at, it’s selling that fantasy.

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Bonus Conditions - Wagering Requirements

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  • Upon registration always use your real personal information, or you will not receive your winnings. The casino will verify your identity before any withdrawal takes place, and you will often have to send scans of two personal documents (ID card, driving licence and/or passport).

  • You can’t withdraw bonuses immediately. You always need to rollover bonus amounts multiple times in the casino (known as wagering requirements). Bonus rollovers mean that the sum of your bets in any game must exceed a certain multiple of its original value. With a bonus of 100€ and wagering requirements of 30, you need to bet 3000€ in total. If you play slots and you spin for 10€, you have to spin 300-times (regardless of wins and losses). Players lose most bonuses before fulfilling their wagering requirements.

  • There are usually some casino games restricted when playing with a bonus. Especially in the case of games with higher payouts, like most table games, you’ll find restrictions or higher wagering requirements (sometimes 10x or 20x higher than the primary wagering conditions).

  • Casinos often restrict bonuses to certain countries only. Casinoguru reviews include information about country restrictions. You can also find this information in the bonus conditions.

  • Some bonuses, especially no deposit bonuses, but sometimes also deposit bonuses, feature maximum withdrawal limits. If, for example, a no deposit bonus comes with a 100€ maximum withdrawal limit and a player wins 300€, he can only withdraw 100€ and the remaining amount will be voided.

  • To acquire some bonuses, you have to fill in a promotion code while depositing, or while registering a new account (in the case of no deposit bonuses and free spins). At some online casinos, you have to contact their support with the bonus code in order to claim the bonus.

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What to be aware of with bonuses

You should only play in casinos with a good reputation. You can try to find the information about the reputation of a casino by searching for "name of casino complaints" using a search engine, or looking up the casino on the industry website askgamblers.Com. If you find multiple justified complaints, do not open an account with this casino, no matter how attractive the bonuses are that it offers.

Casinoguru has already conducted this research for you, so the fastest way to uncover the reputation of a casino based on publically available player complaints is to check our online casino reviews.

The majority of casinos put these types of formulations into their terms and conditions: "the casino reserves the right to change, cancel, remove or refuse any bonus in accordance with its own decision." for regulatory licensing, casino bonuses are only given as a gesture of goodwill by the casino. That is why these terms and conditions are permitted. Especially after winning a larger amount, casinos can try to accuse you of bonus abuse and void your winnings.

If a casino willfully decides not to pay out your winnings from bonuses, you remain virtually powerless. You can only try go public with it, and hope the casino changes its mind to protect its reputation. Make sure you read our casino reviews carefully in order to avoid casinos which often use these terms against their players.

At casinoguru, we appreciate casinos which don’t have these types of clauses in their conditions, and are always prepared to play by clear rules. Check out our casino reviews. If we find a casino uses strict bonus terms against their players, you will find these complaints in our review.

Bonus hunting

Bonus hunting is the intentional abuse of bonuses, in order to make a long term profit. The golden era of bonus hunting was 10 years ago, when it was enough to know how to play blackjack, and players could get to a decent amount of winnings from bonuses alone.

Naturally, casinos try to prevent such abuse, and so today, bonus hunting is harder and more risky than before. Contemporary bonus hunting is mainly about the high variance of game strategy. In other words, it could lead you to either lose everything, or win at least 20-times the bonus amount. It requires a good starting capital, a clever choice of games and game strategy, as well as a thorough knowledge of the terms and conditions. The main risk is that on average, you only convert 1 bonus out of 25, and then if casino refuses to payout that bonus, you don't win anything. Some other casinos wouldn’t even give you back your deposit. If you are interested, check out our dedicated article about bonus hunting.


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Itworks compensation plan: ways to earn & bonuses

Itworks compensation plan: ways to earn & bonuses

Wondering all of the wonderful ways to earn with itworks global? I took a minute to clarify each of the ways you can earn money with this home-based business. Make sure you clearly understand each of these ways to earn so you are not leaving any of your money behind!

1. Itworks residual income

2. Itworks PARTY CASH

$499 BOOSTER PACK: boost your sales with our booster pack for $499 ($720 retail value), you can earn $1000+ back in PARTY CASH.

  • Party with the booster pack applicators @ $25 a piece= $1,100

$149 MINI BOOSTER PACK (only available at time of enrollment): boost for $149 ($268 retail value) and earn $300+ back in PARTY CASH!

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What does it mean to be fast start qualified?

YOU will earn the $100 fast start bonus:

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  • And they find their two loyal customers in their first 30 days

REMINDER! You must have completed both steps above in order for you to be qualified to earn fast start bonuses

  • Note: you don’t have to be fast start qualified yourself when you enroll a new distributor, but you do need to become fast start bonus qualified within your new distributor’s first 30 days in order to collect a fast start bonus on the new distributor.

4. Itworks loyal customer (formerly CAR bonus)

Gathering loyal customers and providing them with excellent service is just as important as building a team of distributors. The loyal customer bonus rewards you for just that!

Personally enroll and maintain a minimum of 60 qualified active loyal customers and accumulate $3,000 personal bonus volume for the month and it works global pays you an extra $600 every month you are qualified! This is $600 on top of all of your other monthly commissions just for meeting that goal.

5. $120 distributor rebate credit

Receive the distributor rebate credit, or $120 in product credit that rewards you for gathering four qualified active loyal customers within your first 30 days .

1. Purchase the business builder kit .

2. Set up your minimum 80 BV auto-shipment to process in your first 30 days .

3. Enroll 4 qualified active loyal customers

6. Itworks wrap rewards

As you continue to enroll loyal customers you’ll earn wrap rewards you can use to purchase the it works! Wrap or the it works facial applicator at a reduced price and FREE shipping.

  • Receive one wrap reward for every two qualified active loyal customers you enroll

  • These rewards are good for 60 days from the date they are applied to your account .

  • This reward is forever! Sometimes people get confused thinking it’s only for your first 30 days.

Contact me today to learn how I retired from teaching and coaching and am now changing the legacy of my family forever with this top network marketing company’s compensation plan. Dreams really do come true. What are you waiting for?

What is bonus pay?

Definition and examples of bonus pay

A woman uses her smartphone to electronically deposit her bonus check.

Bonus pay is compensation in addition to the amount of pay specified as a base salary or hourly rate of pay.

Learn more about when employers hand out bonus pay and what rules come into play.

What is bonus pay?

Bonus pay is additional pay given to an employee on top of their regular earnings; it's used by many organizations as a thank-you to employees or a team that achieves significant goals. Bonus pay is also offered to improve employee morale, motivation, and productivity. When a company ties bonuses to performance, it can encourage employees to reach their goals, which in turn helps the company reach its goals.

How does bonus pay work?

Bonuses may be discretionary or nondiscretionary; in other words, they may be paid out as and when the company sees fit, or they may be specified in an employment contract or other documentation.

Discretionary bonuses: an employer may distribute bonus pay at their discretion, perhaps as a reward for high performance, for an employee-of-the-month program, or for a successful referral of a new employee. Discretionary bonuses are not required to be paid out, and the amount of the bonus is up to to the employer.

For example, many companies do year-end or holiday bonuses. If they are not part of a contract or otherwise promised, they are discretionary bonuses.

Nondiscretionary bonuses: nondiscretionary bonuses are known and expected by the employee. They may be based on a predetermined formula, or on factors such as attendance. They are generally included in the regular rate of pay, which is specified in the employee offer letter, in the employee personnel file, or a contract.

Say, for example, an employer provides an incentive pay plan for employees who achieve certain performance benchmarks. Since the employee knows what is required of them in order to receive the bonus, it would be a nondiscretionary bonus.

The fair labor standards act (FLSA) states that all employee compensation is included in the base rate of pay, which is used to determine overtime pay, but that some bonuses may be excludable if certain criteria are met:

  • The employer can decide whether to pay the bonus.

  • The employer can decide the amount of the bonus.

  • The bonus is not paid according to any agreement or otherwise expected to be paid.  

The FLSA also explains that some employees are exempt from its overtime rules if they are:

  • Paid a fixed salary, which doesn't change based on their time or efforts

  • Paid at least a minimum weekly amount of $684

  • Primarily perform "executive, administrative, or professional duties"

Exempt employees may be paid up to 10% of their salary in nondiscretionary bonuses and incentives in order to fulfill the FLSA salary requirements.  

Types of bonus payments

There are several different instances in which a company may issue bonus payments.

Contracted bonus payments

Executives, especially those in senior roles, may have contracts that require the company to pay out bonuses. These bonuses are often dependent on the company meeting specific revenue targets. The employer may also base them on different criteria such as sales, employee retention, or meeting growth goals.

Executive bonus payments are not always tied to performance results. Contracted bonus pay is not common outside of the executive suite.

Performance bonus payments

Some companies offer bonuses to people below the executive level as well. These bonuses can be based on many different factors.

  • Personal performance: employees are rated based on how they met or exceeded the goals set by their management. This type of bonus can also reward soft skills that had an impact on the organization's performance, such as leadership, effective communication, problem-solving, and collaboration.

  • Company goals: an employee would receive a bonus based on how well the company performed as a whole. If an employee had an outstanding year but the company didn't do well overall, the employee wouldn't receive the bonus. But if the company exceeds its goals, it's possible the bonus may be higher.

  • Pay grade: typically, if you're paid more money, you're eligible for a higher bonus. As an example, a company might pay one employee $50,000 a year and make them eligible for a 5% bonus if goals are met, but pay another employee $100,000 a year with a possible 10% bonus. Bonuses based on pay grade recognize that a senior employee may have a more significant impact on the company's performance.

Sales commissions

If you're a sales employee (inside or outside), commissions are generally a good portion of your pay. These are often referred to as bonuses as well, but they differ from other bonuses in that they are directly tied to your sales numbers and generally not to anything else. Some companies cap the total sales bonus an individual employee can receive.

One structure of bonus payments frequently found in sales organizations is to reward sales performance at specified levels above commission. Some sales organizations reward employees with bonus pay without commission.

Other organizations set team sales goals instead of individual sales goals. As a team member, you'd earn the same as the other team members make, a portion of the pooled commissions, and bonus, if available.

Pfizer covid vaccine 'works in real world' with 60% drop in over-60s cases in israel

Sir patrick vallance earlier this week downplayed concerns raised in israel that a single dose of the pfizer vaccine may not be as effective as previously thought

How ‘It Works! ’ dominated Facebook and drove more than $1 billion in sales, it works bonuses real?.

Coronavirus infections in israel have reportedly plunged by about 60 percent among vaccinated over 60s giving hope that the jab works in the "real world".

On friday an israeli healthcare group said coronavirus cases had plunged among people aged over 60 who had been vaccinated with the pfizer biontech vaccine.

KSM maccabi research and innovation center said there had been a "significant decrease" in coronavirus infections among over 60s vaccinated between december 19 and 24.

The analysis looked at data of more than 50,000 in this age group.

It found that hospitalisations in those aged above 60 had also dropped by at least 60 percent, the daily mail reports.

Around 30 percent of of people in israel have had at least their first dose of the job, putting them in the lead of the vaccination drive around the world.

A Palestinian resident of Jerusalem is inoculated with the Pfizer- BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in the Israeli Clalit Medical Center in East Jerusalem

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Sir patrick vallance downplayed concerns raised in israel that a single dose of the pfizer vaccine may not be as effective as previously thought.

The chief scientific advisor told the downing street press conference: "in terms of the israeli data, I think that was information from one of the organisations that organises health in israel, I think there are four, and it was preliminary data that came out on the numbers.

"I think the israeli health ministry has said they're not entirely sure those are the final data and they're expecting the effects to increase so I think it's very preliminary.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

How ‘It Works! ’ dominated Facebook and drove more than $1 billion in sales, it works bonuses real?.

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"these are preliminary information from a subset of people, they haven't followed people for long enough. We had a discussion with the israeli advisers yesterday and they are expecting to get more information over the next few weeks.

"and I think we are going to have to monitor this very carefully, we're going to have to keep looking at data and understanding the performance of vaccines in the real world."

Responding to israel's claims that efficacy from the first dose of the pfizer vaccine may be as low as 33%, sir patrick said studies showed that from day 10 after vaccination to 21 days and beyond, it was "much more like 89%".

However, he added that "when you get into real-world practice things are seldom quite as good as clinical trials".

Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance

Sir patrick told sky news: "it probably won't be as high as that in practice, but I don't think it'll be as low as the figures you've just given."

According to reports, scientists in israel - where around a quarter of the population has already been vaccinated - studied preliminary data from 200,000 vaccinated people.

The study reportedly suggests that a drop of 33% in positivity was seen in the vaccinated group on day 14 after vaccination.

Sir patrick said clinical study studies suggest that if you look at data from day zero, then the overall figure is around 50%.

But he added that protection is not expected in the first 10 days because the immune system has not had the chance to build up, and some people may have been infected before they had the vaccine.

Sir patrick said: "I don't know exactly what israel are looking at - they're looking at the total period from day nought and that doesn't give an exact comparison.

"but we need to look at this very carefully - we just need to keep measuring and understanding it."

It works reviews – legit business or scam?

If you’re looking for real it works reviews then you’re in the right place as I’m going to share all the details about this company today. There’s been so much hype surrounding it works so I’ve decided to do my own research and put together a full review about the business and the opportunity.

Before we get started today if you’re interested in making money go here and see my #1 recommendation which helped me make $15k last month. This is a simple system and gets my full approval for anyone looking to start an online or home business.

It Works Reviews - Legit Business or Scam? 5

It works – overview

Today I’m taking a look at it works and learning more about the company. I’ve been doing a number of reviews lately on network marketing companies like advocare and doterra so I’ve decided to continue the trend with a full it works review. First off I must say they have a rather strange name but that’s just my opinion. They launched back in 2001 and have their main offices in florida. Through their growth they have been able to expand operations into many other countries stretching as far as australia! You can see a full list of countries they operate in on their website. They have a number of products available now however when they first got started they sold body wraps. This was an application that was wrapped around the body and claimed to help you lose weight. That product was very successful when it launched so they continued to innovate and create new health products.

It works is a direct sales company (mlm/network marketing) and that might be the reason you’re here today to learn more about the business opportunity. I’ll get into that part of the review soon so don’t worry if that’s the reason you’re here.

It works – the products

So what products do it works have on offer? They have a number of different products that are available in different categories. The categories available are body, skin, greens, lifestyle and packs which are essentially bundles for multiple categories / products.

Rather than go through every product that is sold it’s easier to simply summarise them. The body products are gels, wraps and herb applicators. The skin products are cleansers, stretch mark prevention creams, life and eye toners, exfoliators and nail care. The greens products are powders for your drinks. These products claim to be loaded with anti-oxidants which can be beneficial of course. The lifestyle products are supplements such as minerals, essential oils, fat burners and a number of other “lifestyle/fitness” products. The packs as mentioned are bundles so with the bundles you can get multiple products in one and these packs range from $99 to $299. Of course the more expensive pack contains far more products.

Okay let’s get into the main part of my review which is the business opportunity!

It works – the business opportunity

This is the part of my reviews I always look forward to. After all my blog is a money making blog and I always like to learn about new companies in this space. I’ve been reviewing 100’s of products over the past few years and the majority of network marketing ones all tend to be the same. Low commissions, old school promotional methods and generally a low possibility of earning a good income unless you really work hard, recruit others and expand your team massively.

Now that’s not for everyone, some people do just want to use it works or another company to earn a little extra income. I know some of my own family members are in network marketing companies to earn a little extra on the side, but if you really want to earn the big bucks I personally believe there are better ways like this system here.

With it works the method of earning money is pretty standard. You buy products from the company at a wholesale price and you sell them at the regular price and take the profit. It’s pretty simple and generally you get around 30% discount. You can buy the products in packs and then sell them at the full price for a discount. I guess you could sell them at whatever price you want as long as it’s more than you pay but you might as well maximise your profitability by choosing to sell at the actual price recommended.

Also you can recruit others into your team, earn money on their sales and the bigger team you build, the more you can qualify for bonuses. It’s all pretty standard in my opinion.

Is it works A scam?

Definitely not in my opinion. I see no reason as to why it works is a scam at least from the business opportunity side of things. You could debate all day whether wraps work to help you lose weight or whether it’s all made up BS but that’s not my place to argue as I know nothing about the science behind their products. As a business they are solid and are definitely not a scam so I wouldn’t have any hesitations on this front and neither should you. The size they have grown to and the fact that they have been around for 15 years tells me they are legitimate because trust me if they were running a scam operation they would have been shut down a long time ago.

It works – conclusion & recommendation

In my opinion it works is a legitimate company however I personally feel there are better ways of making money if you are looking at this as a business opportunity.

Over the past month I’ve made over $15k in commissions 100% online and I’ve done it with the system you can see at the link below.

It Works Reviews - Legit Business or Scam? 6

Ps.. Be sure to check out my tai lopez & snagajob reviews.

It works! Global reviews

547 • poor

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Write a review

Reviews 547

The system is built to benefit IT works…

The system is built to benefit IT works only and not any one join to work 4-12 hours a day. Products are expansive and there are a lot of better products than theirs. Also it works top management and its leaders allow other high ranked distributor to spread fake and untrue information about how to market and how to join.

Don’t waste your money!! It’s not worth it!!

This company has you order saying how great it works and it DOESN’T!! Not only that after you order they then let you know that you are obligated to order for 3 months or get a $50.00 fee if you cancel. Well I tried to cancel after having 2 months of shipments and not seeing ANY results and it wouldn’t let me cancel and just let me pay the $50.00 cancellation fee. I had to do one last shipment. I have since cancelled and would let anyone who is looking to lose weight or even looking for energy which it claims to help it is a total waste of money.

I love it works

I love it works! I have been a customer for the last year and I have been able to maintain a healthy weight! I used the keto coffee and super greens as well as fat fighters for cheat meals


TERRIBLE!! Had 0 results and had signed up for an auto ship each month. When i went to cancel it it was $50 to cancel and there was no warning in the beginning there was a cancel fee. Scam.

It works cleanse, facial, sleepy tea & skinny brew

I ordered the it works! Cleanse dietary supplements along with a facial hydration mask back in nov. 2020. The products were received towards early december 2020 - standard shipping time. I always look at expiration dates just in case & when I did, I noticed all the products were expired up to a years time. Unfortunately since I was on vacation when these products were received, I lost my chance to file a complaint and request a refund. This isn’t the first time it’s ever happened. Either way, all of their products are trash. Not worth spending your money!!

I ordered the coffee and signed on to…

I ordered the coffee and signed on to be a distributor the same day the seller did not tell me about the 90 day and auto shop or any of that but I saw it before putting my order through and when I asked her about it she was truthful and explained it well then I signed on to be a distributor and I didn’t see where the promo code box was and was charged 105 instead of 44 I told my seller n she told me to create a ticket so I did but later on i found the customer service number I told them what happened they asked me what was the promo code I told them and they immediately refunded me everything but the 44 so I’m a happy camper just patiently waiting on my coffee trying to get a sale cuz that’s not going so well and really hoping the coffee works for myself and so I can encourage people to try it ��

This company is bs don't waste your…

This company is bs don't waste your time or money on this crap I used the wraps thermoflight pills and the coffee I tried to cancel my orders and they kept going into my banking account and taking money out without my permission . I had to cancel my debit card and get new ones with new numbers to stop them from taking my money . I am hiring a lawyer to sue them 908 riverside dr palmeto florida is one of the offices I'm very aggravated about all this they stole several hundreds of dollars from me for a product that does not work .


I was signing up to be a distributor I figured, "why not, it's extra money I could be making to save up for a house or something". Little did I know there was no spot to add my promo code the website is so difficult to navigate and the women guiding me through this process except for one only wanted me to remain with the company to help their whatever. Needless to say they charged me 152 dollars for what was supposed to be a 44 dollar purchase. And I am still yet to receive the refund . I went in circles with one lady she then asked for my ss number to access my info. With customer service. (seems pretty fishy to me being im an adult and I can make those calls my self. She went on and on about how I shouldn't cancel my entire order so finally I blocked her off facebook. She was doing wayyyyy too much. I drew the line with the asking for my social security number. SMH. Don't do it. Its not worth it.

Fraudulent company

Terrible company, I signed up to try for three months. The product did nothing and then I get another one for a fourth month. I went online and canceled it which it confirmed then got another one the next month. Noone will help you the main office number doesn't work. I made the salesperson canceled this time and got a screen shot so I can proceed with reporting the fraud if they send them again. Don't waste your time or money!

Itworks sucks and doesnt let you have access to samples you bought

I'm so unhappy with itworks and very unsatisfied. I had 4 samples left to send and since I cancelled my monthly subscription now I cant get the rest of my samples that I BOUGHT ALREADY.

It's the scheme for me

Some of the products arent bad or anything, but this is a freaking pyramid scheme. My friend who is a distributor signed me up and set it all up for me, didn't tell me about autopay and that I'd be charged for whatever I decided to try past my set trial time(I don't blame her, it's likely she didn't know or forgot). I thought I was testing the product for 3 months, but the next two months after I was sent and charged for it before realizing that they put me on autopay. You have to go into the setting and it's explained in tiny writing that they continue to charge you after your trial period unless you go in and cancel it. I contacted them and they won't refund me even though I just got the email today about them sending me my order and then I clued into what was happening and immediately cancelled it. They said it already shipped so they can't cancel it and have to charge me anyway. This is gross, this is just a money sucker. I don't think companies like this really want to help anyone

Are bonuses a form of employee recognition or compensation?

Are Bonuses a Form of Employee Recognition or Compensation? by TINYpulse

Lots of employees look forward to the end of the year because, after successfully completing another cycle around the sun without managing to get fired, they receive holiday bonuses.

Many organizations use bonuses as a central part of their employee recognition efforts. According to a survey by careerbuilder, 54% of employers planned to give a holiday bonus to their employees last year.

Where do they belong?

Should bonuses fall under the compensation budget or the engagement budget?

It turns out there’s a sneaky reason why so many organizations are embracing bonuses: the slice of their budgets dedicated to salary increases has been steadily shrinking for quite some time. According to marketwatch, employers set aside an average of 10% of their budgets for base pay raises in 1981. In 1995, that number dipped to 4%. Since then, it's contracted even further to 3%. So instead of bumping salaries, companies give bonuses — to employees who last the whole year, that is.

If organizations don’t hand out raises but give their entire staff bonuses each year, these payments should come out of the compensation budget. Because that’s what you’re doing: compensating your employees, not recognizing their efforts.

But if your company is guilty of taking this approach, you might want to rethink it. As fastcompany points out, bonuses given to every employee can actually work against productivity and engagement. In these environments, employees come to expect bonuses whether they work hard or not — which pretty much defeats the purpose of handing out bonuses in the first place.

On the other hand, organizations that don’t give out bonuses to all employees — only the ones who deserve them — can better justify drawing the funds from an engagement budget.

The difference between compensation and engagement

In a perfect world, none of us would need money, and we’d all be able to spend our days doing precisely what we wanted to do. But we live in this world.

Workers sell their time and skills to companies in exchange for money. Sure, there are interns who trade their time for experience, and there are volunteers who donate their time just because they want to help. But for the most part, we work for money.

That said, you can’t just throw money at your employees and expect them to be engaged. (to be fair, everyone has their price, but for the most part, employers are not willing to pay it.)

Engagement is much more than just collecting a paycheck. For example, in addition to being well compensated, millennials are drawn to companies that have fun cultures, offer professional-development opportunities, and embrace the merits of collaboration.

Employees that are paid well, have access to educational opportunities, and work for organizations that understand the importance of culture are much more likely to be engaged than workers who make more money but don’t have access to the extra perks while working at companies that have miserable cultures.

Compensation is an important part of employee engagement, but it only one piece of a large puzzle.

How employee recognition improves engagement

Ever had a job where you busted your tail day in and day out and were never recognized for your efforts? It’s pretty terrible, to say the least.

But a little bit of recognition can go a long way toward improving employee morale, which in turn helps create a more enticing work culture — one that’s characterized as being filled with engaged employees. Consider the following data from careerbuilder and badgeville:

  • 50% of employees believe there would be less turnover at their organizations if their bosses invested more resources in employee recognition

  • 40% of employees say there’s no chance they’d go above and beyond for an employer that doesn’t adequately recognize its workers’ efforts

These statistics shouldn’t be that surprising. We all like it when our bosses and coworkers acknowledge the projects we pour ourselves into. On the other hand, if your employer isn’t recognizing the fact you’re working as hard as you can in the first place, why should you continue to produce at a high level when you can get by doing less?

Simply put, recognition causes employees to be happier because people are acknowledging and complimenting their hard work. This, in turn, increases engagement and productivity.

Ways to strengthen your recognition efforts

No employee will turn down an envelope full of cash. But as mentioned above, expected bonuses don’t really do much to enhance engagement.

Still, recognition is a critical component of engagement. According to an IBM study, 76% of employees who are recognized for their hard work are engaged. On the other side of the coin, only 28% of employees are engaged when their efforts are never recognized.

If you’re looking to improve your employee recognition program, tap into your engagement budget and try one of these ideas:

The classic amazon gift card

Yes, you can buy anything from a gallon of milk to a car engine on amazon. But an amazon gift card is not the same thing as cash. Spend a chunk of your engagement budget on $50 gift cards, and give them to employees when they go above and beyond.

The company-wide email

There’s no easier way to show your employees how proud you are of their efforts than by writing a heartfelt note to your entire team that emphasizes the work of an employee who is knocking it out of the park.

The handwritten note

If your rock-star employee is introverted, don’t send a note to the entire team; that might embarrass them. Instead, grab a card and write a handwritten note that tells your employee how happy you are to have them on the team. Be as specific as possible.

The elusive company trophy

Buy a trophy, and spend an hour or so on a friday afternoon decorating it in some zany fashion with your team. Give that trophy to the employee who deserves it most. That person can then pass the trophy off to the next employee who does something amazing. The goal here is to make employees feel like they’ve arrived the moment the trophy is resting on their desk.

The well-deserved meal

We all need to eat. Let’s say your sales team has absolutely been crushing it for the past month. Plan an evening to take the team out to a swanky restaurant for a delicious dinner and some drinks.

If your recognition efforts consist solely of giving out bonuses to your staff at the end of the year, you’re doing it wrong. It’s time to build an employee recognition program that actually recognizes workers for their hard work and shows the team that management is paying attention to what they’re doing. As a result, your staff will be more engaged — and your bottom line will ultimately be healthier.

Editor’s note: this post was originally published in april 2016 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

So, let's see, what we have: even though there's no proof that it works. At it works bonuses real?

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