Promotions and Bonuses, no deposit bonus grand capital.

No deposit bonus grand capital

5.1 with active trading the bonus funds gradually become the client’s property.

My list of forex bonuses

Promotions and Bonuses, no deposit bonus grand capital.

Promotions and Bonuses, no deposit bonus grand capital.

Promotions and Bonuses, no deposit bonus grand capital.

For that the client must place trades and for each open and closed full lot, the client can claim $3. The minimum amount that can be claimed is $50. The request is submitted via email or through private office. 5. Withdrawal of bonus funds

Promotions and bonuses

Grand capital — home of the greatest offers!
No-deposit bonuses and interest on deposits, bonuses for trading volume, promotional offers for particular categories of instruments. Just choose your path, and we'll take care of bonuses for your trading plan. Choose profit — choose grand capital.

Any deposit bonus 40%

  • All profit received from trading the bonus funds is freely withdrawable.

  • In time the bonus funds pass into the client’s ownership at the rate of: $3 per 1 lot.

  • Bonus can be renewed every 6 months by depositing 10% of the initial sum to your account.

  • Bonus funds can be used for drawdown.

Terms of the "any deposit bonus +40%"

1.1 the promotion is valid indefinitely. The end of the promotion will be announced.

1.2 grand capital is the sole organizer of the promotion.

1.3 the organizer has the right to change the terms of the promotion, as well as the list and characteristics of the bonuses offered.

1.4 the organizer has the right to terminate the promotion at any time.

2.1 all clients of grand capital can take part in the promotion. That includes those who open a grand capital trading account during the term of the promotion.

2.2 valid phone verification and submitted identification documents, as well as the confirmation of the residential address, are mandatory for the participation.

2.3 types of the trading accounts that can take part in the promotion: standard, swap free.

2.4 the leverage for the trading account that was chosen to participate in the promotion cannot exceed 1:100.

2.5. To receive a bonus, a client must deposit to their trading account during the term of the promotion. The client has the right to claim the bonus after each deposit. The bonus amount is 40% of the amount deposited.

2. 6. Maximum bonus amount cannot exceed $20 000.

2.7 employees of grand capital and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.

2.8 all promotion participants must carefully read the terms of the promotion and follow them. Ignorance of the promotion terms cannot serve as a valid reason when submitting a claim.

2.9 other promotions of the company aren’t applied to the account participating in this promotion.

2.10 if any other bonus has been already claimed for the account, the 40% bonus may be granted only after all other bonuses have been canceled upon the client's request and provided that all the promotion terms have been met.

3.1 to receive the bonus, a client must create a request in the private office or contact the personal manager via email (the email address is available in the private office).

3.2 to withdraw the bonus funds, the client must submit the valid indification document as well as the proof of the residential address.

4. Receiving the bonus funds

4.1 the bonus request is processed within 48 hours and the bonus funds are granted to the account.

4.2 if funds are withdrawn from the account, the bonus is reduced by 40% of the withdrawal amount.

4.3 internal transfers, commission payouts, and other non-trading transactions equal a withdrawal transaction.

4.4 bonus funds are granted for a 6-month period.

4.4.1 the bonus term can be extended for another 6 months by a deposit which is not less than 10% of the bonus amount, made prior to the bonus deduction.

4.4.2 the company may deny granting a bonus at any time as well as deduct the existing bonus with no explanation.

4.4.3 the company reserves the right to turn the bonus funds into credit funds without providing any reasons.

4.5 it is forbidden to trade on the account associated with the promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account can be disqualified and the bonus — annulled. If any concerns about the abuse of the promotion or a fraud arise, and/or falsification of the documents provided by the participant of the promotion is detected, the account can be disqualified and the client may be denied service.

4.6 the bonus amount cannot exceed the account balance.

4.7 multidirectional trading on the bonus account is prohibited. In a case of violation of this term, the company has the right to deduct the bonus funds and part of the profit earned as a result of the trading with the bonus funds on the basis of the proportional ratio of the client's funds to the profit obtained.

5. Withdrawal of bonus funds

5.1 with active trading the bonus funds gradually become the client’s property. For that the client must place trades and for each open and closed full lot, the client can claim $3. The minimum amount that can be claimed is $50. The request is submitted via email or through private office.

5.2 the following trading instruments are considered in the calculations: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.

5.3 the subject of the request must be: “bonus for any deposit” – make the bonus withdrawable”, the trading account number and the client’s full name.

6.1 all claims may be forwarded to info@grandcapital.Net.

6.2 all claims must contain a full name, the exact residential address, account number and a thorough description of the problem.

Promosi dan bonus

Deposit tanpa komisi di grand capital

Sistem pembayaran yang anda gunakan untuk membuat deposit ke akun perdagangan anda mengambil biaya untuk pelaksanaan operasi keuangan. Rata-rata, sekitar 2-10% dari jumlah total, atau lebih.

Kami di grand capital selalu berusaha untuk membuat kondisi perdagangan yang lebih baik untuk klien kami. Itu sebabnya kami mengganti komisi semua sistem pembayaran* dan mengembalikan perbedaannya ke akun perdagangan klien.

—deposit dalam jumlah berapapun tanpa komisi
—deposit ke akun perdagangan manapun tanpa komisi (standard, swapfree, micro, ECN, MT5).
—komisi semua sistem pembayaran dikompensasi.
—kompensasi dikreditkan ke akun perdagangan klien bersama dengan deposit.
—jumlah komisi dihitung dan ditransfer secara otomatis.
—promosi ini berlaku tanpa batas.
—klien dari negara manapun dapat berpartisipasi dalam promosi ini.


Pembayaran kembali adalah program terbaru grand capital di mana setiap klien dapat menerima kompensasi perdagangan. Untuk trading aktif.

1. Buka sebuah akun standard atau swap free.
2. Berdagang di instrumen manapun kecuali CFD STOCK USA dan saham rusia (russian stocks).
3 .Terus berdagang selama 6 hari sambil menempatkan setidaknya satu perdagangan per hari.
4. Semakin lama periode perdagangan berkelanjutan anda, semakin besar hadiah anda.

Kami menghargai kepercayaan anda dan menawarkan anda layanan pelanggan yang unggul yang membuat trading lebih nyaman setelah balance total akun anda mencapai 50,000 EUR/USD, anda akan menerima status VIP* dan mendapatkan akses ke manfaat eksklusif yang ditawarkan grand capital. Pelajari lebih lanjut dari manajer anda.

—manajer personal anda siap untuk menjawab setiap pertanyaan yang anda miliki kapanpun
—pertanyaan anda dijawab dalam contoh pertama melalui jalur eksklusif VIP anda
—kami akan mengganti biaya deposit dan penarikan anda (dengan persyaratan yang terpenuhi)
—konsultan profesional kami akan membantu anda membangun portofolio personal anda berdasarkan preferensi anda.
—permintaan kredia untuk jumlah yang tidak lebih dari $10 000 untuk 5 hari. Jumlah kredit tidak dapat melebihi 30% dari saldo akun anda.
—semua program pelajaran yang dibayar dan konsultasi analitikus dilaksanakan gratis

Bonus deposit apapun 40%

Kemungkinan bonus terbaik untuk trader!

  • Semua keuntungan yang diterima dari perdagangan dana bonus dapat ditarik secara bebas.

  • Pada saat dana bonus masuk ke dalam kepemilikan klien dengan nilai: $3 per 1 lot.

  • Bonus dapat diperbarui setiap 6 bulan dengan melakukan deposit 10% dari jumlah awal ke akun anda.

  • Dana bonus dapat digunakan untuk penarikan.

1.1 promosi berlaku tanpa batas waktu. Akhir dari promosi akan diumumkan.
1,2 grand capital adalah satu-satunya penyelenggara promosi.
1.3 penyelenggara memiliki hak untuk mengubah ketentuan promosi, serta daftar dan karakteristik bonus yang ditawarkan.
1.4 penyelenggara berhak menghentikan promosi setiap saat.

2.1 semua klien grand capital dapat ikut serta dalam promosi. Termasuk klien yang membuka akun perdagangan grand capital selama promosi berlangsung.
2.2 verifikasi telepon dan dokumen identitas yang valid, serta konfirmasi alamat tempat tinggal, wajib untuk diajukan dalam partisipasi.
2.3 jenis akun perdagangan yang dapat mengikuti promosi: standard, swap free.
2.4 leverage untuk akun perdagangan yang dipilih untuk berpartisipasi dalam promosi tidak boleh melebihi 1:100.
2.5. Untuk menerima bonus, klien harus melakukan deposit ke akun perdagangan mereka selama jangka waktu promosi. Klien memiliki hak untuk mengklaim bonus setelah setiap deposit. Jumlah bonus adalah 40% dari jumlah deposit yang dilakukan.
2.6 jumlah bonus maksimal tidak bisa melebihi $20.000.
2.7 karyawan dan keluarga grand capital tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam promosi.
2.8 semua peserta promosi harus membaca dengan seksama ketentuan promosi dan mengikutinya. Ketidaktahuan akan ketentuan promosi tidak dapat dijadikan alasan yang valid saat mengirimkan klaim.
2.9 promosi lain dari perusahaan tidak diterapkan ke akun yang berpartisipasi dalam promosi ini.
2.10 jika ada bonus lain yang telah diklaim untuk akun tersebut, bonus 40% dapat diberikan hanya setelah semua bonus lainnya dibatalkan atas permintaan klien dan asalkan semua persyaratan promosi telah terpenuhi.

3. Klaim bonus
3.1 untuk menerima bonus, klien harus membuat permintaan di personal area atau menghubungi manajer pribadi melalui email (alamat email tersebut tersedia di personal area).
3.2 untuk menarik dana bonus, nasabah harus menyerahkan dokumen identitas yang valid serta bukti alamat tempat tinggal.

4. Menerima dana bonus
4.1 permintaan bonus diproses dalam waktu 48 jam dan dana bonus diberikan ke akun.
4.2 jika dana ditarik dari akun, bonus dikurangi 40% dari jumlah penarikan.
4.3 transfer internal, pembayaran komisi, dan transaksi non-perdaganagan lainnya dinilau sama seperti transaksi prnarikan.
4.4.3 the company reserves the right to transfer the bonus funds into credit funds without assigning any reasons.
4.4 dana bonus diberikan untuk periode 6 bulan.
4.4.1 jangka waktu bonus dapat diperpanjang selama 6 bulan dengan deposit yang tidak kurang dari 10% dari jumlah bonus yang dilakukan sebelum pengurangan bonus.
4.4.2 perusahaan dapat menolak pemberian bonus kapan saja dan juga mengurangi bonus yang ada tanpa penjelasan.
4.4.3 perusahaan berhak untuk mentransfer dana bonus ke dana kredit tanpa memberikan alasan apapun.
4.5 dilarang melakukan perdagangan pada akun yang terkait dengan promosi melalui server proxy anonim. Jika lebih dari 5 (lima) koneksi ke akun dari berbagai alamat IP yang termasuk dalam berbagai wilayah terdeteksi, akun tersebut dapat didiskualifikasi dan bonus - dibatalkan. Jika ada kecurigaan tentang penyalahgunaan promosi atau penipuan yang timbul, dan/atau pemalsuan dokumen yang diberikan oleh peserta promosi terdeteksi, akun tersebut dapat didiskualifikasi dan klien dapat ditolak dari layanan.
4.6 jumlah bonus tidak bisa melebihi saldo akun.
4.7 perdagangan multidirectional pada akun bonus dilarang. Dalam kasus pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan ini, perusahaan memiliki hak untuk memotong dana bonus dan sebagian dari keuntungan yang diperoleh sebagai hasil dari perdagangan dengan dana bonus berdasarkan rasio proporsional dari dana klien terhadap keuntungan yang diperoleh. .

5.1 dengan perdagangan aktif dana bonus secara bertahap menjadi milik klien. Untuk itu klien harus menempatkan perdagangan dan untuk setiap lot terbuka dan tertutup secara penuh, klien dapat mengklaim $3. Jumlah minimum yang bisa diklaim adalah $50. Permintaan diajukan melalui email atau melalui kantor pribadi.
5.2 instrumen perdagangan berikut yang akan dipertimbangkan dalam perhitungan: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.
5.3 subjek permintaan harus: "bonus for any deposit” – "make the bonus withdrawable", nomor akun perdagangan dan nama lengkap klien.

6 klaim
6.1 semua klaim dapat diteruskan ke [email protected]
6.2 semua klaim harus berisi nama lengkap, alamat tempat tinggal yang tepat, nomor akun dan deskripsi masalah secara menyeluruh.

ترفیعات و پاداش ها

Commission-free deposits at grand capital

Payment systems that you use for making deposits into your trading account take fees for the conduction of financial operations. On the average, they are about 2–10% of the total sum, or more.

We at grand capital always strive to create better trading conditions for our clients. That’s why we compensate the commission of all payment systems* and return the difference to the client’s trading account.

—deposits of any amount are commission-free.
—commission of all payment systems is compensated (except blockchain, bank and wire transfers).
—compensation is credited to a client’s trading account together with the deposit.
—commission amount is calculated and transferred automatically.
—the promotion is valid indefinitely.
—clients from any country can participate in the promotion.
—more detailed information about the offer can be found in the regulation of the processing of non-trading operations.

روز تجارت بدون-ریسک

"day of risk-free trading" provides all clients of grand capital trading on binary accounts with a whole day of risk-free trading!

1 general terms and conditions
1.1 the promotion is valid indefinitely. It will be announced if the promotion should discontinue.
1.2 the promotion is organized by grand capital.
1.3 the organizer has the right to change conditions of the promotion at any time.
1.4 the organizer has the right to cancel the promotion at any time.
2 participants
2.1 all clients of grand capital with VIP status can take part in the promotion.
2.2 in order to participate in the promotion one needs to verify his or her mobile phone number and provide the necessary documentation for identity verification.
2.3 trading accounts that are eligible to participate in the promotion: real binary, real binary pro.
2.4 during one calendar month the client can receive the full compensation of the loss taken during one whole day of trading. To receive the compensation, the client must deposit to binary account at least once during this month. The client can choose any trading day for loss compensation. However, the request cannot be filed later than the 31st day from the moment of the loss taken. The whole amount will be granted to his/her account as a bonus.
2.5 the maximum amount of the bonuses granted cannot exceed $10 000.
2.6 employees of grand capital and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.7 any participant must adhere to the rules and read them carefully. Ignorance of the rules cannot serve as an argument when submitting a claim.
2.8 the account participating in the promotion cannot claim other bonuses or participate in other promotions.
3 bonus request, receipt of the bonus and bonus expiry
3.1 to receive the bonus funds, choose the account and the date the loss will be compensated for in the "day of risk-free trading" field in "bonuses" section of your personal account.
In order to receive the bonus, the participant must apply for it through the personal account. On the bonuses and promotions page, the client needs to choose the trading account and press “get the bonus” button.
3.2 the bonus will be granted right after the request is submitted.
3.3 the bonus funds will remain on the account for 6 months only.
3.4 once the 6-month period is over, the bonus funds will be deducted from the account if the bonus requirements are not fulfilled.
3.5 after the bonus is deposited all funds on the client’s account are divided into 2 parts: client’s personal funds (funds on the account before the bonus was granted) and bonus funds (all active bonuses and the profit gained using the bonus funds). The proportion between these two parts will be used for further calculations and is updated after each deposit/withdrawal.
3.6 when profit is made, the amount is distributed between the client’s personal funds and bonus funds proportionally.
3.7 if a trade(s) result(s) in a loss of funds, the loss in proportional to client's personal funds and the bonus funds
3.8 before the bonus requirements are fulfilled, the client’s personal funds which were not used to receive the bonus remain free for withdrawal at any time, as well as the part of the profit, made using the mentioned funds.
3.9 bonus funds, as well as the funds deposited by the client, will be available for withdrawal once the collective trading volume exceeds the bonus amount in 40 times.
3.10 the client has the right to cancel the bonus at any time. In this case, the whole bonus amount is deducted from the account as well as the profit received using the bonus funds. The remaining personal funds of the client will be available for withdrawal.
3.11 if the account balance is 10 USD or 10% from the active bonus funds, all bonuses and the profit made using the bonus funds are deducted from the account.
3.12 please mind that to prevent any fraudulent activity or upon detecting such activity, the company holds the right to deduct all bonus funds from a client’s account without any prior notice.
3.13 if funds are withdrawn from the trading account, the amount equal to the withdrawn amount will be deducted from the bonus funds.
3.14 internal transfers, commissions, and other non-trading transactions are considered to be a withdrawal.
3.15 the company can deny bonus as well as deduct existing bonus with the profit made using the bonus funds at any time without prior notice and any comment.
3.16 on the trading account the bonus is granted to it is prohibited to trade using an anonymous proxy server. Upon detection of more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions/countries, the account can be disqualified and the bonus canceled. If any fraudulent activity and attempt to abuse the bonus scheme as well as falsification of the documents provided are detected, such account can be disqualified and the client can be denied service.
3.17 partners cannot receive a commission for the client trading using the bonus funds.
3.18 bonus funds belong to the organizer.
4 making the bonus withdrawable
4.1 the bonus funds become withdrawable once the total trading volume exceeds the amount of the bonus funds in 40 times.
4.2 to claim the bonus funds the participant should create a request. The headline of the request should include: “day of risk-free trading” – make my bonus withdrawable, trading account number, last name, first name). The request can be sent via email or personal account.
5 claims
5.1 all claims regarding the promotions can be sent to [email protected]
5.2 all claims should include full name, the address, account number and a thorough description of the issue.

بهترین پاداش ها در"گرند کپیتال" یشنهاد می شود.

"گرند کپیتال" همراه با موقعیت های بزرگ! ما همیشه سعی آن داریم تا بهترین انواع ترفیعات و پاداش ها را برای تجار در نظر بگیریم. ما مطمئن هستیم که تمام مشتری ها میتوانند پاداش مناسب خود را در "گرند کپیتال" یافت کنند.

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Договор на оказание услуг заключается на территории республики сейшельские острова. Услуги компании grand capital ltd оказываются на территории республики сейшельские острова. Регистрационный №036046. Правила и условия использования сайта

افشای ریسک: پیش از شروع به معامله در بازار لطفاً از ریسک تجارت با ضریب اهرمی اطلاعات کسب کنید، همچنین مطمئن شوید که به اندازه کافی علم معامله، تجربه و تمرین داشته اید.

Privacy policy توصیف می کند که کمپانی از چه راهی به جمع آوری و محافظت اطلاعات شخصی مشتریان می پردازد

- grandcapital ltd. 24598 IBC 2018 (suite 305, griffith corporate centre, P.O. Box 1510, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines)

- this information is intended for investors outside of the united states who are not the US/japanese citizens and residents.

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Grand capital – welcome bonus $500

How to get:
1. Open page “promotions and bonuses”
2. Click button “get the bonus”
3. Fill in the registration form
4. Verify your passport and mobile number

How it works and withdrawal requirements:
1. After registration you get $500 on ‘welcome bonus $500’ account.
2. You trade 7 days to generate profit.
3. After 7 days the bonus will be removed, and profit will be transferred to standard account (profit $100 or more) or to micro account (profit less than $100).
4. To activate real account you need deposit an amount equal to or greater than the profit within 7 days.
5. To withdraw you need make 1 full standard lot for every $5 of profit.

More information:
‘welcome bonus $500’ account has the same trading conditions as standard account.
Maximum leverage is 1:100.

Information about the broker:
grandcapital is a broker from seychelles and from st. Vincent and the grenadines. The broker is a member of finacom and CRFIN. Grand capital provides a large selection of trading accounts. Broker offers attractive contests and bonuses.

Do you recommend this bonus?
[starthumbsblock tpl=25]

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I like trading with grand capital due to its bonus programs. I started with a small deposit and then I was granted with 40% bonus, so I managed to increase my profit with no extra risk.

After reading these views
it seems this broker is ensnaring people
I had already made 150 profits from their bonus now it seems these guys are dishonest con men
imagine even when you make profits and deposit amount less than the profits made you can’t have your profits what a scam
who ever made this terms is a perfect reflectionot of a thief if not he had forgotten to take his pills that day

I like their bonus program. I deposited $1000, and received extra $400 as a bonus.

With grand capital my incomes have doubled. Never really thought I could really succeed in trading but by opening simple standard account I got an access to a huge number of instruments I always wanted to try. Trading signals I receive are very helpful, so now I truly know what ami doing by opening a trade. I’m still not being a pro, but I can see an improvement of my trading skills, no more losing deposits yet, which makes me so happy.

Guys, most no deposit bonuses have screwed up conditions. Please show me a borker that allows you to withdraw your profit on no-deposit bonus. I also want to know about such broker!! From what I understand, what this grand capital broker offers is a test-drive on the real account with free $500. I think it is a pretty cool idea, considering so many ppl complaining about brokers with trading on demo and live acc defferent. I have never used no deposit bonuses and not looking to change a broker, just saying…

Yeah, they have $30. There is a difference between $500 and $30. Not protecting the broker, just saying..

Thank god i read your experiencies and truth about all this before i wasted my time.Its good to read reviews

I think this no deposit bonus whole trading idea those not make any sense asking someone to deposit the same amount he/she made before withdrawer, the question is who is fooling who?. If the person has that amount why can’t he/she open a trading account and fund at once, please stay away from this broker, they are not serious.

This 500$ bonus is not that good it waste your time if you happen to make more than you can afford . Really bad … the brocker is showing its carelessness , why didn’t they let traders to just supplement the profit made.

Since i read your comments..I took their bonus and i destroy it..In only one day… ��

It requires a deposit amount equivalent to any profit made, otherwise they freeze the account. In my case, I made USD 900 profit and they would like me to deposit USD 900 to allow me continue trading. I spent 7 nights to make a profit from no deposit bonus of USD 500. I am now stranded. The no deposit bonus accounts are a gimmick to entice you into trading with the company. Don’t waste your time. There is no such thing as a freebee. Keep it simple. Deposit your money first and obtain a bonus against it instead.

Dear paresh,
we are sorry you’ve had unsatisfying experience with one of our offers. However, we must add that the bonus terms are freely available on our website. The bonus, indeed, requires a deposit upon the 7-day period. This bonus was designed for novice traders or prospective clients to provide them with an opportunity to try trading with grand capital without investing personal funds. After the bonus expires, the clients have an option whether to make a deposit to continue managing the profit, or open a new account and make a deposit on their own.

The thing is getting a novice traders make money they won’t afford to deposit . I think just get them deposit what they can afford in the next few days . I enjoyed my time with the brocker during this week but what I made is more than I can get to deposit. Just formulate a good condition to just what I stated up there. Also upon depositing what one will afford they will choose themselves account type.

To activate real account it is required deposit to claim profit from $500 bonus. If my deposit amount is not the same as the amount of profit, for example profit $390 and deposit $50 ,is it possible to claim my $390 profit?

Scam ,grand capital page is not like this. Is a very busy page with news,videos, and page green n white

Dear halley,
the deposit amount must equal the profit made.
Thank you,
grand capital team.

don’t wast your time

This company is shit
they never gave me $500 bonus
if you want money and time, you have to find another company but this shit

Nxxxii… they wasted my time. I was trading from the bonus because I don’t have the cash to fund a real ACC. Where on earth should I now get the deposit?? My profit is sitting there. Stupid broker

At firist three hours i made 130 usd at the second day them cancel my account without any reason [moderated] broker

This is so sad for a broker like this i made $14000 now am a new trader where in the world would i find that kind of cash,bad broker

They needed to be sanctioned

Just learn to read you all.. This is bonus to deposit , there are the terms and conditions on their site.. If you cant read the best way to save your money is not to trade.. Every broker will fukk you

Just now i am opened ., let us c ., �� !

I know this broker is really stupid and scamers.


If I made profits and the co. Got their money (bonus) back and I am making profits for the co (spreads) why they insist I make deposit, there is a smell of cheating and money swallowing there.

Its a bad company in russia. The livechat is not real, the webtrader is not running correct. There MT4 is not working correct, stay away from this broker if you like your money. Dont send them money!

4.8 in order to activate the real account must be made within 7 days to produce refill for an amount equal to or greater than the resulting profit to the bonus account, but not less than the minimum amount required for the first deposit.

These are serious jokers,join them at your own peril.

Don’t join them,they are newbies not serious ,I made profit of $656 in seven,as profit from $500,they ask me to deposit $656 so that the profit will not be deducted,they are only wasting our time,run away from their website

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Risk warning:
investors should be aware of the serious risks of investing in the forex market, binary options and other financial instruments. Trading on the forex and cfds using the leverage mechanism carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.

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ترفیعات و پاداش ها

Commission-free deposits at grand capital

Payment systems that you use for making deposits into your trading account take fees for the conduction of financial operations. On the average, they are about 2–10% of the total sum, or more.

We at grand capital always strive to create better trading conditions for our clients. That’s why we compensate the commission of all payment systems* and return the difference to the client’s trading account.

—deposits of any amount are commission-free.
—commission of all payment systems is compensated (except blockchain, bank and wire transfers).
—compensation is credited to a client’s trading account together with the deposit.
—commission amount is calculated and transferred automatically.
—the promotion is valid indefinitely.
—clients from any country can participate in the promotion.
—more detailed information about the offer can be found in the regulation of the processing of non-trading operations.

روز تجارت بدون-ریسک

"day of risk-free trading" provides all clients of grand capital trading on binary accounts with a whole day of risk-free trading!

1 general terms and conditions
1.1 the promotion is valid indefinitely. It will be announced if the promotion should discontinue.
1.2 the promotion is organized by grand capital.
1.3 the organizer has the right to change conditions of the promotion at any time.
1.4 the organizer has the right to cancel the promotion at any time.
2 participants
2.1 all clients of grand capital with VIP status can take part in the promotion.
2.2 in order to participate in the promotion one needs to verify his or her mobile phone number and provide the necessary documentation for identity verification.
2.3 trading accounts that are eligible to participate in the promotion: real binary, real binary pro.
2.4 during one calendar month the client can receive the full compensation of the loss taken during one whole day of trading. To receive the compensation, the client must deposit to binary account at least once during this month. The client can choose any trading day for loss compensation. However, the request cannot be filed later than the 31st day from the moment of the loss taken. The whole amount will be granted to his/her account as a bonus.
2.5 the maximum amount of the bonuses granted cannot exceed $10 000.
2.6 employees of grand capital and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.7 any participant must adhere to the rules and read them carefully. Ignorance of the rules cannot serve as an argument when submitting a claim.
2.8 the account participating in the promotion cannot claim other bonuses or participate in other promotions.
3 bonus request, receipt of the bonus and bonus expiry
3.1 to receive the bonus funds, choose the account and the date the loss will be compensated for in the "day of risk-free trading" field in "bonuses" section of your personal account.
In order to receive the bonus, the participant must apply for it through the personal account. On the bonuses and promotions page, the client needs to choose the trading account and press “get the bonus” button.
3.2 the bonus will be granted right after the request is submitted.
3.3 the bonus funds will remain on the account for 6 months only.
3.4 once the 6-month period is over, the bonus funds will be deducted from the account if the bonus requirements are not fulfilled.
3.5 after the bonus is deposited all funds on the client’s account are divided into 2 parts: client’s personal funds (funds on the account before the bonus was granted) and bonus funds (all active bonuses and the profit gained using the bonus funds). The proportion between these two parts will be used for further calculations and is updated after each deposit/withdrawal.
3.6 when profit is made, the amount is distributed between the client’s personal funds and bonus funds proportionally.
3.7 if a trade(s) result(s) in a loss of funds, the loss in proportional to client's personal funds and the bonus funds
3.8 before the bonus requirements are fulfilled, the client’s personal funds which were not used to receive the bonus remain free for withdrawal at any time, as well as the part of the profit, made using the mentioned funds.
3.9 bonus funds, as well as the funds deposited by the client, will be available for withdrawal once the collective trading volume exceeds the bonus amount in 40 times.
3.10 the client has the right to cancel the bonus at any time. In this case, the whole bonus amount is deducted from the account as well as the profit received using the bonus funds. The remaining personal funds of the client will be available for withdrawal.
3.11 if the account balance is 10 USD or 10% from the active bonus funds, all bonuses and the profit made using the bonus funds are deducted from the account.
3.12 please mind that to prevent any fraudulent activity or upon detecting such activity, the company holds the right to deduct all bonus funds from a client’s account without any prior notice.
3.13 if funds are withdrawn from the trading account, the amount equal to the withdrawn amount will be deducted from the bonus funds.
3.14 internal transfers, commissions, and other non-trading transactions are considered to be a withdrawal.
3.15 the company can deny bonus as well as deduct existing bonus with the profit made using the bonus funds at any time without prior notice and any comment.
3.16 on the trading account the bonus is granted to it is prohibited to trade using an anonymous proxy server. Upon detection of more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions/countries, the account can be disqualified and the bonus canceled. If any fraudulent activity and attempt to abuse the bonus scheme as well as falsification of the documents provided are detected, such account can be disqualified and the client can be denied service.
3.17 partners cannot receive a commission for the client trading using the bonus funds.
3.18 bonus funds belong to the organizer.
4 making the bonus withdrawable
4.1 the bonus funds become withdrawable once the total trading volume exceeds the amount of the bonus funds in 40 times.
4.2 to claim the bonus funds the participant should create a request. The headline of the request should include: “day of risk-free trading” – make my bonus withdrawable, trading account number, last name, first name). The request can be sent via email or personal account.
5 claims
5.1 all claims regarding the promotions can be sent to [email protected]
5.2 all claims should include full name, the address, account number and a thorough description of the issue.

بهترین پاداش ها در"گرند کپیتال" یشنهاد می شود.

"گرند کپیتال" همراه با موقعیت های بزرگ! ما همیشه سعی آن داریم تا بهترین انواع ترفیعات و پاداش ها را برای تجار در نظر بگیریم. ما مطمئن هستیم که تمام مشتری ها میتوانند پاداش مناسب خود را در "گرند کپیتال" یافت کنند.

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Договор на оказание услуг заключается на территории республики сейшельские острова. Услуги компании grand capital ltd оказываются на территории республики сейшельские острова. Регистрационный №036046. Правила и условия использования сайта

افشای ریسک: پیش از شروع به معامله در بازار لطفاً از ریسک تجارت با ضریب اهرمی اطلاعات کسب کنید، همچنین مطمئن شوید که به اندازه کافی علم معامله، تجربه و تمرین داشته اید.

Privacy policy توصیف می کند که کمپانی از چه راهی به جمع آوری و محافظت اطلاعات شخصی مشتریان می پردازد

- grandcapital ltd. 24598 IBC 2018 (suite 305, griffith corporate centre, P.O. Box 1510, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines)

- this information is intended for investors outside of the united states who are not the US/japanese citizens and residents.

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ترفیعات و پاداش ها

Commission-free deposits at grand capital

Payment systems that you use for making deposits into your trading account take fees for the conduction of financial operations. On the average, they are about 2–10% of the total sum, or more.

We at grand capital always strive to create better trading conditions for our clients. That’s why we compensate the commission of all payment systems* and return the difference to the client’s trading account.

—deposits of any amount are commission-free.
—commission-free deposits into any trading account (standard, swap free, micro, ECN, MT5).
—commission of all payment systems* is compensated.
—compensation is credited to a client’s trading account together with the deposit.
—commission amount is calculated and transferred automatically.
—the promotion is valid indefinitely.
—clients from any country can participate in the promotion.


Payback is a new grand capital loyalty program where every client can receive a monetary compensation for active trading.

1. Open an account standard or swap free.
2. Trade any instruments except CFD STOCK USA and russian stocks.
3. Trade continuously for 6 days while placing at least one trade a day.
4. The longer your period of continuous trading, the larger your reward.

We offer superior service for the selected clients actively trading with large volumes. Once total balance of your account reaches 50,000 EUR/USD, you receive VIP status* and get access to exclusive benefits grand capital has to offer. Learn the details from your manager.

—you personal manager is ready to answer any enquiry you may have at anytime.
—your inquiries are answered in the first instance through your exclusive VIP line.
—we will cover your deposit and withdrawal fees (provided certain requirements are met).
—our professional consultants will help you build up your personal portfolio according to your preferences.
—request a credit for an amount not exceeding $10 000 for 5 days. The credit amount cannot exceed 30% of your account balance.
—training courses and consultations with financial analysts are free of charge.

پاداش در هر سپرده گذاری

احتمالا بهترین جایزه برای معامله گران!

تمام سود حاصل از تجارت دارایی های پاداش آزادانه قابل برداشت می باشد.

در زمان وجوه پاداش، مالکیت مشتری به میزان 3 دلار به ازای هر لوت می رسد.

پاداش را می توان هر 6 ماه تمدید کرد و 10٪ از مبلغ اولیه را به حساب خود اختصاص داد.

بودجه پاداش ها می توانند برای تخلیه استفاده شوند.

Terms of the «any deposit bonus +40%» promotion

1.1 the promotion is valid indefinitely. The end of the promotion will be announced.
1.2 grand capital is the sole organizer of the promotion.
1.3 the organizer has the right to change the terms of the promotion, as well as the list and characteristics of the bonuses offered.
1.4 the organizer has the right to terminate the promotion at any time.

2.1 all clients of grand capital can take part in the promotion. That includes those who open a grand capital trading account during the term of the promotion.
2.2 valid phone verification and submitted identification documents, as well as the confirmation of the residential address, are mandatory for the participation.
2.3 types of the trading accounts that can take part in the promotion: standard, swap free.
2.4 the leverage for the trading account that was chosen to participate in the promotion cannot exceed 1:100.
2.5. To receive a bonus, a client must deposit to their trading account during the term of the promotion. The client has the right to claim the bonus after each deposit. The bonus amount is 40% of the amount deposited.
2. 6. Maximum bonus amount cannot exceed $20 000.
2.7 employees of grand capital and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.8 all promotion participants must carefully read the terms of the promotion and follow them. Ignorance of the promotion terms cannot serve as a valid reason when submitting a claim.
2.9 other promotions of the company aren’t applied to the account participating in this promotion.
2.10 if any other bonus has been already claimed for the account, the 40% bonus may be granted only after all other bonuses have been canceled upon the client's request and provided that all the promotion terms have been met.

3. Claiming the bonus
3.1 to receive the bonus, a client must create a request in the private office or contact the personal manager via email (the email address is available in the private office).
3.2 to withdraw the bonus funds, the client must submit the valid indification document as well as the proof of the residential address.

4. Receiving the bonus funds
4.1 the bonus request is processed within 48 hours and the bonus funds are granted to the account.
4.2 if funds are withdrawn from the account, the bonus is reduced by 40% of the withdrawal amount.
4.3 internal transfers, commission payouts, and other non-trading transactions equal a withdrawal transaction.
4.4 bonus funds are granted for a 6-month period.
4.4.1 the bonus term can be extended for another 6 months by a deposit which is not less than 10% of the bonus amount, made prior to the bonus deduction.
4.4.2 the company may deny granting a bonus at any time as well as deduct the existing bonus with no explanation.
4.4.3 the company reserves the right to turn the bonus funds into credit funds without providing any reasons.
4.5 it is forbidden to trade on the account associated with the promotion through an anonymous proxy server. If more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions are detected, the account can be disqualified and the bonus — annulled. If any concerns about the abuse of the promotion or a fraud arise, and/or falsification of the documents provided by the participant of the promotion is detected, the account can be disqualified and the client may be denied service.
4.6 the bonus amount cannot exceed the account balance.
4.7 multidirectional trading on the bonus account is prohibited. In a case of violation of this term, the company has the right to deduct the bonus funds and part of the profit earned as a result of the trading with the bonus funds on the basis of the proportional ratio of the client's funds to the profit obtained.

5. Withdrawal of bonus funds

5.1 with active trading the bonus funds gradually become the client’s property. For that the client must place trades and for each open and closed full lot, the client can claim $3. The minimum amount that can be claimed is $50. The request is submitted via email or through private office.
5.2 the following trading instruments are considered in the calculations: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.
5.3 the subject of the request must be: “bonus for any deposit” – make the bonus withdrawable”, the trading account number and the client’s full name.

$500 ramadan 2020 NO deposit bonus – grand capital

Ramadan forex trader’s NO deposit bonus 2020 for all new clients, the campaign presented by grand capital. Celebrate the holy month of ramadan with a 500 USD bonus credit that comes with withdrawable profits. No starting deposit required to kick-start your live trading in the world’s financial market without any investment.

Free promotional trading bonus credits

Joining link: ramadan-campaign

Ending date: not specified

Offer is applicable: new clients, once in a lifetime

How to apply:

  • Make an account

  • Verify personal documents & phone no.

  • Bonus 500 USD will be added automatically.


  • Fund the amount same or higher than the profit on the bonus account, minimum $10

  • Need to trade 1 lot for each $5 profit made on a bonus account.

Terms & conditions – grand capital NO deposit bonus

$500 forex no deposit bonus funds are credited for 7-days.

After this period the bonus is deducted, open positions are closed.

Available leverage is 1:100

300 USC no deposit bonus – freshforex

$30 new year no deposit bonus – justforex

$35 no-deposit bonus – fortfs

$50 no deposit bonus (for thai client) – FXTRB

$100 gold trading no deposit bonus – seven capitals

$50 welcome no deposit bonus – SFEX

$50 no deposit bonus scheme – topfx

$50 no deposit bonus – atlasforex

NEW $30 NO DEPOSIT BONUS – roboforex

No deposit bonus, withdraw profits – tickmill

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You have to submit the amount equal to the profits gained against this promotion. HOW CAN YOU CALLED THIS AS A>>>>> NO DEPOSIT BONUS>>>

Why do you they call this a non deposit bonus if you still have to deposit in order to be able to withdraw ��

Kiambati peter wangondu says :

This is just scam it is an open lie,but nobody is this stupid to believe these guys…just forget that…why would a person deposit 50 to get 50..It pure scam…

Wat is this �� parası olanlar için harika fırsat ! Ama parası olmayanlar için no bonus kandırmaca !! Örnek 7 gunde 500 usd kar kazandım ama bende yok 500 usd. O zaman 500 usd kar için boşa kurek çekmiş olurum.

Great opportunity for those who have money! But no bonus for those who do not have the benefit !! Example I won 500 USD profit per day but I don’t have 500 USD. Then I’d be wasting 500 bucks for snow.

Terrible conditions that only fools or non english speakers can fall in!!
Please, run and don’t look back!

Sir how we will get bonus

The account opening bonus, please

I can’t say if grand capital is a scam personally but i will find out in a few weeks or months as long as you guys choose to be of help being silent online here means you want more people to get swindled, you don’t need to wait till another innocent person becomes a victim, a single word out here, sharing your personal experience and giving details of whatever transpired is important. Pls write dimitru(at) ivtcysec-recovery, tech, doing so could be used to detect further swindlers and also help warn others to stay off. Save a soul today. IVT security needs your stories, it is helpful.

Promosi dan bonus

Deposit tanpa komisi di grand capital

Sistem pembayaran yang anda gunakan untuk membuat deposit ke akun perdagangan anda mengambil biaya untuk pelaksanaan operasi keuangan. Rata-rata, sekitar 2-10% dari jumlah total, atau lebih.

Kami di grand capital selalu berusaha untuk membuat kondisi perdagangan yang lebih baik untuk klien kami. Itu sebabnya kami mengganti komisi semua sistem pembayaran* dan mengembalikan perbedaannya ke akun perdagangan klien.

—deposit dalam jumlah berapapun tanpa komisi
—deposit ke akun perdagangan manapun tanpa komisi (standard, swapfree, micro, ECN, MT5).
—komisi semua sistem pembayaran dikompensasi.
—kompensasi dikreditkan ke akun perdagangan klien bersama dengan deposit.
—jumlah komisi dihitung dan ditransfer secara otomatis.
—promosi ini berlaku tanpa batas.
—klien dari negara manapun dapat berpartisipasi dalam promosi ini.


Pembayaran kembali adalah program terbaru grand capital di mana setiap klien dapat menerima kompensasi perdagangan. Untuk trading aktif.

1. Buka sebuah akun standard atau swap free.
2. Berdagang di instrumen manapun kecuali CFD STOCK USA dan saham rusia (russian stocks).
3 .Terus berdagang selama 6 hari sambil menempatkan setidaknya satu perdagangan per hari.
4. Semakin lama periode perdagangan berkelanjutan anda, semakin besar hadiah anda.

Kami menghargai kepercayaan anda dan menawarkan anda layanan pelanggan yang unggul yang membuat trading lebih nyaman setelah balance total akun anda mencapai 50,000 EUR/USD, anda akan menerima status VIP* dan mendapatkan akses ke manfaat eksklusif yang ditawarkan grand capital. Pelajari lebih lanjut dari manajer anda.

—manajer personal anda siap untuk menjawab setiap pertanyaan yang anda miliki kapanpun
—pertanyaan anda dijawab dalam contoh pertama melalui jalur eksklusif VIP anda
—kami akan mengganti biaya deposit dan penarikan anda (dengan persyaratan yang terpenuhi)
—konsultan profesional kami akan membantu anda membangun portofolio personal anda berdasarkan preferensi anda.
—permintaan kredia untuk jumlah yang tidak lebih dari $10 000 untuk 5 hari. Jumlah kredit tidak dapat melebihi 30% dari saldo akun anda.
—semua program pelajaran yang dibayar dan konsultasi analitikus dilaksanakan gratis

Bonus deposit apapun 40%

Kemungkinan bonus terbaik untuk trader!

  • Semua keuntungan yang diterima dari perdagangan dana bonus dapat ditarik secara bebas.

  • Pada saat dana bonus masuk ke dalam kepemilikan klien dengan nilai: $3 per 1 lot.

  • Bonus dapat diperbarui setiap 6 bulan dengan melakukan deposit 10% dari jumlah awal ke akun anda.

  • Dana bonus dapat digunakan untuk penarikan.

1.1 promosi berlaku tanpa batas waktu. Akhir dari promosi akan diumumkan.
1,2 grand capital adalah satu-satunya penyelenggara promosi.
1.3 penyelenggara memiliki hak untuk mengubah ketentuan promosi, serta daftar dan karakteristik bonus yang ditawarkan.
1.4 penyelenggara berhak menghentikan promosi setiap saat.

2.1 semua klien grand capital dapat ikut serta dalam promosi. Termasuk klien yang membuka akun perdagangan grand capital selama promosi berlangsung.
2.2 verifikasi telepon dan dokumen identitas yang valid, serta konfirmasi alamat tempat tinggal, wajib untuk diajukan dalam partisipasi.
2.3 jenis akun perdagangan yang dapat mengikuti promosi: standard, swap free.
2.4 leverage untuk akun perdagangan yang dipilih untuk berpartisipasi dalam promosi tidak boleh melebihi 1:100.
2.5. Untuk menerima bonus, klien harus melakukan deposit ke akun perdagangan mereka selama jangka waktu promosi. Klien memiliki hak untuk mengklaim bonus setelah setiap deposit. Jumlah bonus adalah 40% dari jumlah deposit yang dilakukan.
2.6 jumlah bonus maksimal tidak bisa melebihi $20.000.
2.7 karyawan dan keluarga grand capital tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam promosi.
2.8 semua peserta promosi harus membaca dengan seksama ketentuan promosi dan mengikutinya. Ketidaktahuan akan ketentuan promosi tidak dapat dijadikan alasan yang valid saat mengirimkan klaim.
2.9 promosi lain dari perusahaan tidak diterapkan ke akun yang berpartisipasi dalam promosi ini.
2.10 jika ada bonus lain yang telah diklaim untuk akun tersebut, bonus 40% dapat diberikan hanya setelah semua bonus lainnya dibatalkan atas permintaan klien dan asalkan semua persyaratan promosi telah terpenuhi.

3. Klaim bonus
3.1 untuk menerima bonus, klien harus membuat permintaan di personal area atau menghubungi manajer pribadi melalui email (alamat email tersebut tersedia di personal area).
3.2 untuk menarik dana bonus, nasabah harus menyerahkan dokumen identitas yang valid serta bukti alamat tempat tinggal.

4. Menerima dana bonus
4.1 permintaan bonus diproses dalam waktu 48 jam dan dana bonus diberikan ke akun.
4.2 jika dana ditarik dari akun, bonus dikurangi 40% dari jumlah penarikan.
4.3 transfer internal, pembayaran komisi, dan transaksi non-perdaganagan lainnya dinilau sama seperti transaksi prnarikan.
4.4.3 the company reserves the right to transfer the bonus funds into credit funds without assigning any reasons.
4.4 dana bonus diberikan untuk periode 6 bulan.
4.4.1 jangka waktu bonus dapat diperpanjang selama 6 bulan dengan deposit yang tidak kurang dari 10% dari jumlah bonus yang dilakukan sebelum pengurangan bonus.
4.4.2 perusahaan dapat menolak pemberian bonus kapan saja dan juga mengurangi bonus yang ada tanpa penjelasan.
4.4.3 perusahaan berhak untuk mentransfer dana bonus ke dana kredit tanpa memberikan alasan apapun.
4.5 dilarang melakukan perdagangan pada akun yang terkait dengan promosi melalui server proxy anonim. Jika lebih dari 5 (lima) koneksi ke akun dari berbagai alamat IP yang termasuk dalam berbagai wilayah terdeteksi, akun tersebut dapat didiskualifikasi dan bonus - dibatalkan. Jika ada kecurigaan tentang penyalahgunaan promosi atau penipuan yang timbul, dan/atau pemalsuan dokumen yang diberikan oleh peserta promosi terdeteksi, akun tersebut dapat didiskualifikasi dan klien dapat ditolak dari layanan.
4.6 jumlah bonus tidak bisa melebihi saldo akun.
4.7 perdagangan multidirectional pada akun bonus dilarang. Dalam kasus pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan ini, perusahaan memiliki hak untuk memotong dana bonus dan sebagian dari keuntungan yang diperoleh sebagai hasil dari perdagangan dengan dana bonus berdasarkan rasio proporsional dari dana klien terhadap keuntungan yang diperoleh. .

5.1 dengan perdagangan aktif dana bonus secara bertahap menjadi milik klien. Untuk itu klien harus menempatkan perdagangan dan untuk setiap lot terbuka dan tertutup secara penuh, klien dapat mengklaim $3. Jumlah minimum yang bisa diklaim adalah $50. Permintaan diajukan melalui email atau melalui kantor pribadi.
5.2 instrumen perdagangan berikut yang akan dipertimbangkan dalam perhitungan: FOREX MAJORS, FOREX EXT 1, FOREX EXT.
5.3 subjek permintaan harus: "bonus for any deposit” – "make the bonus withdrawable", nomor akun perdagangan dan nama lengkap klien.

6 klaim
6.1 semua klaim dapat diteruskan ke [email protected]
6.2 semua klaim harus berisi nama lengkap, alamat tempat tinggal yang tepat, nomor akun dan deskripsi masalah secara menyeluruh.

ترفیعات و پاداش ها

Commission-free deposits at grand capital

Payment systems that you use for making deposits into your trading account take fees for the conduction of financial operations. On the average, they are about 2–10% of the total sum, or more.

We at grand capital always strive to create better trading conditions for our clients. That’s why we compensate the commission of all payment systems* and return the difference to the client’s trading account.

—deposits of any amount are commission-free.
—commission of all payment systems is compensated (except blockchain, bank and wire transfers).
—compensation is credited to a client’s trading account together with the deposit.
—commission amount is calculated and transferred automatically.
—the promotion is valid indefinitely.
—clients from any country can participate in the promotion.
—more detailed information about the offer can be found in the regulation of the processing of non-trading operations.

روز تجارت بدون-ریسک

"day of risk-free trading" provides all clients of grand capital trading on binary accounts with a whole day of risk-free trading!

1 general terms and conditions
1.1 the promotion is valid indefinitely. It will be announced if the promotion should discontinue.
1.2 the promotion is organized by grand capital.
1.3 the organizer has the right to change conditions of the promotion at any time.
1.4 the organizer has the right to cancel the promotion at any time.
2 participants
2.1 all clients of grand capital with VIP status can take part in the promotion.
2.2 in order to participate in the promotion one needs to verify his or her mobile phone number and provide the necessary documentation for identity verification.
2.3 trading accounts that are eligible to participate in the promotion: real binary, real binary pro.
2.4 during one calendar month the client can receive the full compensation of the loss taken during one whole day of trading. To receive the compensation, the client must deposit to binary account at least once during this month. The client can choose any trading day for loss compensation. However, the request cannot be filed later than the 31st day from the moment of the loss taken. The whole amount will be granted to his/her account as a bonus.
2.5 the maximum amount of the bonuses granted cannot exceed $10 000.
2.6 employees of grand capital and their relatives cannot participate in the promotion.
2.7 any participant must adhere to the rules and read them carefully. Ignorance of the rules cannot serve as an argument when submitting a claim.
2.8 the account participating in the promotion cannot claim other bonuses or participate in other promotions.
3 bonus request, receipt of the bonus and bonus expiry
3.1 to receive the bonus funds, choose the account and the date the loss will be compensated for in the "day of risk-free trading" field in "bonuses" section of your personal account.
In order to receive the bonus, the participant must apply for it through the personal account. On the bonuses and promotions page, the client needs to choose the trading account and press “get the bonus” button.
3.2 the bonus will be granted right after the request is submitted.
3.3 the bonus funds will remain on the account for 6 months only.
3.4 once the 6-month period is over, the bonus funds will be deducted from the account if the bonus requirements are not fulfilled.
3.5 after the bonus is deposited all funds on the client’s account are divided into 2 parts: client’s personal funds (funds on the account before the bonus was granted) and bonus funds (all active bonuses and the profit gained using the bonus funds). The proportion between these two parts will be used for further calculations and is updated after each deposit/withdrawal.
3.6 when profit is made, the amount is distributed between the client’s personal funds and bonus funds proportionally.
3.7 if a trade(s) result(s) in a loss of funds, the loss in proportional to client's personal funds and the bonus funds
3.8 before the bonus requirements are fulfilled, the client’s personal funds which were not used to receive the bonus remain free for withdrawal at any time, as well as the part of the profit, made using the mentioned funds.
3.9 bonus funds, as well as the funds deposited by the client, will be available for withdrawal once the collective trading volume exceeds the bonus amount in 40 times.
3.10 the client has the right to cancel the bonus at any time. In this case, the whole bonus amount is deducted from the account as well as the profit received using the bonus funds. The remaining personal funds of the client will be available for withdrawal.
3.11 if the account balance is 10 USD or 10% from the active bonus funds, all bonuses and the profit made using the bonus funds are deducted from the account.
3.12 please mind that to prevent any fraudulent activity or upon detecting such activity, the company holds the right to deduct all bonus funds from a client’s account without any prior notice.
3.13 if funds are withdrawn from the trading account, the amount equal to the withdrawn amount will be deducted from the bonus funds.
3.14 internal transfers, commissions, and other non-trading transactions are considered to be a withdrawal.
3.15 the company can deny bonus as well as deduct existing bonus with the profit made using the bonus funds at any time without prior notice and any comment.
3.16 on the trading account the bonus is granted to it is prohibited to trade using an anonymous proxy server. Upon detection of more than 5 (five) connections to the account from different IP addresses belonging to different regions/countries, the account can be disqualified and the bonus canceled. If any fraudulent activity and attempt to abuse the bonus scheme as well as falsification of the documents provided are detected, such account can be disqualified and the client can be denied service.
3.17 partners cannot receive a commission for the client trading using the bonus funds.
3.18 bonus funds belong to the organizer.
4 making the bonus withdrawable
4.1 the bonus funds become withdrawable once the total trading volume exceeds the amount of the bonus funds in 40 times.
4.2 to claim the bonus funds the participant should create a request. The headline of the request should include: “day of risk-free trading” – make my bonus withdrawable, trading account number, last name, first name). The request can be sent via email or personal account.
5 claims
5.1 all claims regarding the promotions can be sent to [email protected]
5.2 all claims should include full name, the address, account number and a thorough description of the issue.

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Договор на оказание услуг заключается на территории республики сейшельские острова. Услуги компании grand capital ltd оказываются на территории республики сейшельские острова. Регистрационный №036046. Правила и условия использования сайта

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- grandcapital ltd. 24598 IBC 2018 (suite 305, griffith corporate centre, P.O. Box 1510, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines)

- this information is intended for investors outside of the united states who are not the US/japanese citizens and residents.

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Welcome no-deposit forex bonus of $500 by grand capital

End date : the promotion doesn’t have an end date, but the bonus is provided for 7-day trading

Who grants it? Grand capital – a broker that is originally from russia and is registered in the seychelles. Operating since 2006, the brand is owned by grand capital ltd, a company which is also regulated by the financial commission (finacom), a hong kong-based external dispute resolution (EDR) organization.

Who can get it ? The no-deposit trading bonus of $500 is provided to new clients of grand capital who open a special welcome bonus account with trading conditions similar to the standard account (except maximum leverage available). They are not required to invest any funds, but need to provide a copy of their ID document and a mobile number. The bonus is available for 7 calendar days.

After the bonus amount is charged off the bonus account, it automatically turns into "standard" (if the profit amounts to at least $100) or "micro" real account type.

Clients of grand capital cannot withdraw or transfer the bonus funds. Depositing additional funds is not allowed either on the bonus account. After the 7-day period lapses, the bonus is deducted, and open positions are closed. If after the promotion period the client does not open a real account, the profit is also deducted from it.

In order to activate a real account, a client should deposit the amount same or higher than the resulting profit on the bonus account, but not less than $10 (the minimum initial deposit amount with grand capital) within 7 calendar days.

Besides, the profit earned from trading with the $500 bonus is available for withdrawal only after completing certain trading volume on the replenished real account: for every $5 of the profit made on bonus account, clients of grand capital must trade 1 lot (or 100 lots on the micro account type).

Also, keep in mind that the maximum leverage available to bonus beneficiaries 1:100 (while the broker offers leverage up to 1:2000).

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So, let's see, what we have: best forex bonuses from grand capital. At no deposit bonus grand capital

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